Saturday, June 30, 2018

Micro Corruption I: New Orleans

I recently found a link to Micro Corruption which has challenges written in the MSP430 Architecture and I got hooked. So this is the first challenge after the tutorial. We need to enter a password to unlock the door and this level is fairly easy.

In the main function, the value of r15 is being tested. The main function calls several other functions. First let's check the contents of create_password function.

We can see that there are 8 characters but the last character is 0x0, so it must be 7 characters long. But if you look at the first line of the code we can see the instruction:

So lets check what is in the given location (0x2400) by viewing the Live Memory Dump section after entering the wrong password.

There are 7 characters 8H([F3). So, let's  enter these characters as the password and see what happens.

Then what do we know, the door has been unlocked solving this challenge.

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